Evidently the discipline of doing this daily has eluded me, but I’m picking up the pieces and carrying on. Here are the links I found interesting today:
- Facebook has had a glitch that overrides user preferences to not receive email notifications. They’re aware of the issue and working to fix it. In the meantime, you can reset your preferences manually by going to Account / Account Settings / Notifications.
- RIP Michael Sarrazin.
- Yet another one of ThinkGeek’s infamous April Fools products, the iCade, has come to life.
- Author (and fellow Smith alumna) Kate Kelly penned a lovely piece for the Huffington Post about being a tourist in one’s own town. In her case, Greenwich Village.
- Some Design Blog posted the acidic and oh-so-true “10 Phrases Designers Hate Hearing (And What We Wish We Could Say Back).”